суббота, 3 марта 2012 г.

AM's innovative operations solutions.(cable operators expanding multimedia services of video, voice and data)

The evolution of the cable industry into a dynamic, multi-service business is pushing cable operators and their vendors into uncharted waters, and what they're discovering is a complex, sophisticated new world of networks replete with a host of new and daunting challenges.

The revenue appeal of the multimedia services of video, voice and data, including video-on-demand (VOD), interactivity, data, cable telephony and others not even invented yet, is prompting a growing number of cable operators to build more cost efficient, seamless and reliable networks--all intended to drive vital new revenues, reduce costs and tighten network efficiencies.

Yet, it's also requiring them to design, construct, manage and monitor networks which are significantly more complex and costly to maintain and manage, and a far cry from the cable industry's traditional single service business. From disparate software to operational cost efficiencies to automation, the march toward multimedia services and the stress it puts on an existing network can be staggering.

Just how the cable industry accomplishes this puzzling, monumental task is crucial to its long-term growth, which most experts agree will be impressive, but only if they pay close attention to the design, maintenance, management, reliability and overall quality of their networks. They also agree that each of those functions will go a long way in separating a network from its competition.

"The new mantra is cash-flow maximization and network efficiency. Technology for technology's sake doesn't sell. It's very difficult to sell a cable operator a business model of $1.00 in capital expense that generates $2.00 in operating expense for $0.50 in revenue. And vendors must prove there …

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